Friday 18 February 2011

How effective is the combination of the main product and ancillary texts?

Film poster
 The combination of the film poster and the the film is highly affective as a marketing tool as the poster gives the audience a sense of the serious theme within our film through the black and white colour scheme. The framing of the images is similar to various shots in the film whereby Alex is placed slightly in front of his 'friends' to highlight his importance. The poster is almost a clue to revalations in the film as the tagline; a common convention of film posters "some things are better left unseen" hints towards the hidden agenda of the film. We attempted to create instrigue with our poster as we could not give away to much as it would sabotage the films climactic ending, we felt our target audience would feel greater astonishment when viewing the film if the poster was slightly ambiguous.


Despite the fact that the review is written objectivly from the film i feel it is effective in the promotion of the film and reviews are generally where films gain status.  We used a screen grab from the film as this is a common convention of reviews we also used the star rating system. We used a slightly shorter layout as the film appeals to a younger demographic and abundant text may decrease the likelihood that it is read. The screen grab used on the review similarly depicts Alex as the leader of the group which creates a sense continuity with regard to the representation of character status within the film. 

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