Wednesday 13 October 2010


I decided to create a moodboard consisting of various films that i felt had relevant themes. The films within this moodboard i found particularly interesting and i felt our group could use it as a stimulus for our idea.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Drama film definition

A drama film is a film genre that depends mostly on in-depth development of realistic characters dealing with emotional themes. Dramatic themes such as alcoholism, drug addiction, racial prejudice, religious intolerance, poverty, crime and corruption put the characters in conflict with themselves, others, society and even natural phenomena


Group disscussion #1

After receiving the initial brief for our coursework my group and I had already decided we would like to make a short film rather than a documentary.  We then began discussing genres within film we looked at the conventions of Horrors, Comedies, teen films, film noir, sci-fi, social realism and drama. Having previously enjoyed making a social realism film opening I felt it would be beneficial to base our film on something realistic however as we discussed it as I group we found that we wanted to do something different to social realism that deals with real life issues. We decided to do a drama, as it is very similar to social realism though the conventions vary.

Brief review

What i felt was particularly interesting and effective about this short film was the gradual build up in tension between the the main character and what he believes to be 'manikins'.The concept of the film itself is quite abstract and the film is ambiguous in terms of  meaning. i personally interpreted the film as the main character isolating himself from society, the fact that the film opens with him on a journey suggests his 'past' is crucial in understanding his actions. I would like our film to be similar in that the meaning is open to interpretation i feel it would be useful to brainstorm ideas around the idea of feeling isolated when surrounded by others.


After creating a story board with my group, I decided to research short films that related to the themes that we discussed such as isolation and dystopia. We were planning on using these themes as a base for the narrative within our short film
A film that inspired me to continue with these themes and explore wider avenues within drama was ‘Still life’ Directed by Jon Knautz’s

What is a short film?

A short film is defined as a motion picture that is not more than 40 minutes in running time (including all credits). Short film is a technical description originally coined in the North American film industry in the early period of cinema.

An example of a short film